Megan Fox Nose Job

Megan Fox Before and After Nose Job

Megan Fox Nose Job Before and After Photos

Megan Fox has a way of surprising the world with multiple versions of her glamorous beauty. At all times, she appears in full bloom. Her methods of glamor seem to suppress the wear and tear of age. This is one good reason why she earns enormous praise from fans and millions of women at every turn of her splendid life. Indeed, it was not for nothing that three magazines, Rolling Stone, FHM and Maxim reserved for her acres of space and flowery remarks. However, that could be as far as the good story can get. A dedicated legion of gossipers is determined to uncover the good, the bad and the plastic about her great looks. These gossipers think that they have gathered enough reasons to push ahead with their claim of a possible nose job. How true is their story?

Megan Fox Nose Job Before

Megan Fox has been on and off the hot seat of plastic surgery rumors for years. The details began with her before photos, which revealed one or two weaknesses with her looks. According to the pictorial evidence adduced, Megan’s finest moments arrived after struggling with some facial defects she hated. Everybody knows that she put up a spirited fight with acne scars and freckles between 2005 and 2008. Fortunately, she triumphed. In the dying weeks of 2008 and the years that followed, Megan’s face began transforming in the most spectacular ways. In public, she has repeatedly revealed her great love for makeup. However, that is not what the grapevine wants to hear. Some people think that Megan’s earlier images showed a slightly bulky nose. Those who can analyze the before photos can confirm or deny depending on where they stand on the matter.

Megan Fox Nose Job After

A crop of gossipers have intensified their rumors that Megan sought a good and experienced plastic surgeon to reduce the size of her nose to make it more defined. Experts in the field are yet to come forth with their beliefs about the nose job speculations. However, others have openly admitted that Megan has the best nose ever. One of them is Dr. Paul Nassif. He is a highly experienced plastic surgeon. In his view, Megan has a nose that every woman would wish to acquire. The after photos show that Megan’s nose has a lovely tip and a thin bridge. According to the same viewers, the edges of her nose also appear reduced and narrower at the base.

Megan Fox Reaction to Nose Job Speculations

Megan Fox has never said a word about the nose job rumors. According to some critics, only two reasons could drive a celebrity of her stature into silence on matters touching on her beauty. Either the rumors are true and damning, or she has no time to dignify some idle talk with a response. Megan draws great respect from millions around the world. She is a star and a role model to many. Role models should find it difficult to talk about plastic surgery matters. The Transformers star has also found herself dealing with allegations of cheek implants, Botox treatments and lip fillers. She knows as much as her critics that as long as she remains beautiful and talented, people will remark positively and negatively about her body.

Nose Job Surgery Results

There is no truth meter for confirming whether the grapevine has a point. Someday, if the truth favors the gossipers, the world should look for the plastic surgery expert involved and offer their praises for the great accomplishment. The results are amazing. Megan has reached the summit with regard to facial aesthetics. Some celebrities have had their identities and careers ruined at the hands of clumsy surgeons. Others have vowed never to do business with plastic surgery doctors because of the risks involved. Perhaps, somebody should whisper to Megan to step up her love of makeup to enhance her beauty to the highest limits. She should also consider sharing the secret behind her lovely nose.