Rihanna Nose Job

Rihanna Before and After Nose Job

Rihanna Nose Job Before and After Photos

Rihanna continues to bask in the success of her music career almost unperturbed by the plastic surgery speculations that have dogged her life for a long time. There is no doubt that she is a distinguished celebrity who knows her way around fame and fortune. Unfortunately, celebrities must always deal with adverse publicity about their public and private issues. For Rihanna, the shape of her nose continues to fuel speculations of rhinoplasty like a magnet on pins. At some point, the debate shaped up as if her entire fame rested on it. One line of the argument insisted that Rihanna was obsessed with changing the shape of her nose in order to make it appear more Caucasian than African-American. Those who love her hold that such an idea is spurious and presumptive at best.

Rihanna Nose Job Before

The world first noticed Rihanna’s great talents when she was only 17. She was enormously talented and showed some great promise of staying on the course of stardom. Indeed, she did not disappoint. Apart from her singing talent, Rihanna had a sunshine smile that shone through the full extent of her beauty. In the eyes of many beauty analysts, this beauty could only get better with age. Some critics in the celebrity world argue that the quest for perfection has always pushed many female celebrities into the hands of plastic surgeons. Some have openly opined that such pursuits are worse and dangerous for African-Americans. Bloggers, experts, some fans and cynics have always held up Rihanna’s photos to show evidence of a nose-job well done. It is hard to verify the authenticity of such claims. According to them, a closer inspection of the before surgery photos would reveal that the nose was wider and somewhat bulky. They insist that there was nothing spectacular in the Rihanna of the past. This burden of proof is always debatable.

Rihanna Nose Job After

Rihanna’s recent after surgery photos are splendid in their portrayal of her beauty. Her entire face epitomizes the meaning of grace and glamor. Many celebrity analysts agree that she is in a class of her own. However, the attention of some analysts is on the appearance of her nose. According to some, the appearance of the nose is too good to be real. Critics insist that Rihanna went under the knife to change the appearance of the side of the nose, the mid-portion, the bridge and the tip. The more generous among the analysts are convinced that the nasal reshaping was one of the most successful with regard to enhancing her beauty. Did she really go for the nose job? In fact, some observers think that she went for more than one nose job. They fail to see how the great results could have been achieved in a day’s work. A prominent doctor, Jennifer Walden who is well-versed in plastic surgery matters also thinks in the same direction. She believes that the operations were multiple.

Rihanna’s Reaction to Nose Job Speculations

According to Rihanna, the risk involved in plastic surgery and its unauthentic nature are good reasons to stay away completely. Rihanna styles herself as a great defender of natural beauty. If her words are to be trusted, she falls in the category of a few celebrities who see no merit in the craze for plastic surgery. Such celebrities believe that plastic surgery devalues the meaning of beauty. Others in the same category hold the belief that celebrities who support plastic surgery are bad examples to the youth and aspiring artistes. Cynics would want to know whether Rihanna drinks the same water that she preaches. It appears as though nobody wants to belief celebrities on their word about plastic surgery. Rihanna can only brace for more spirited exchanges with the critics. That is the bane of modern celebrity lifestyle. The allegations speak volumes about the moral values on beauty and the position of celebrities on the matter. Plastic surgery is a complex matter of competing values.

Nose Job Surgery Results

It would be the height of insensitivity to insist that Rihanna had her nose reinvented when she did not. On the other hand, how can so many critics get it so wrong for so long. This must be a delicate balancing act. Assuming that she really met a surgeon for a nose job. How would her fans judge the results? In all fairness, Rihanna is one of the greatest beauties of all time. The great shape of her nose remains one of her best assets. Many who have weighed in on the matter are united in the view that she got the nose she deserves.