Selena Gomez Nose Job

Selena Gomez Before and After Nose Job

Selena Gomez Nose Job Before and After Photos

Selena Gomez is among the many young female celebrities who are currently embroiled in allegations of plastic transformation. She must have gained some experience on managing the fever of rumors because this is not the first time that she is in the eye of the same storm. Celebrities, both young and old, should not panic like some deer in headlights when bloggers, fans and critics come together to discuss the shapes and sizes of their noses. It is always a necessary rite of passage. Some people are asking where young Selena left her original nose because they think they have seen her somewhere in town with a new one. It is time for the 22-year-old to speak up or maybe go underground like she did the other time her name came up against claims of breast augmentation, cheek implants and liposuction.

Selena Gomez Nose Job Before

Selena is without question a beautiful actress with the extra advantage of a good singing voice. She has been ranked favorably in some high places where beautiful celebrities are listed. According to some rumor mills, the pretty woman is simply insatiable with regard to enhancing her aesthetic appeal. Some bloggers believe that she has pushed the meaning of glamor to the highest summit of her inexperienced mental universe. Those who have followed her rise to stardom with keen interest maintain that Selena has problems making up her mind on how exactly she wants to look. Some of the before surgery photos are sourced from way back in 2000 when she set sail to stardom as a child icon in Barney & Friends. Back then, she was never bothered by her looks since her little mind was set on simple routine issues. According to some analysts who have looked closely at her childhood pictures, Selena had an ordinary nose that looked somewhat bulbous.

Selena Gomez Nose Job After

There is a possibility that Selena began struggling with the increased attention on her looks and personality as she neared her 20s. The grapevine holds that she appeared quite different in 2007. This was the time when she starred in the character of Alex Russo in the series, Wizards of Waverly Place. Committed gossipers have shown several after surgery photos to reinforce similar suspicions. In some of these pictures purportedly taken after she had sought a nose job, Gomez appears with a smaller nose that has a distinctively sharp tip. The edges of the nose appear carefully reduced to give it a uniquely Caucasian appeal. Moreover, the slightly thicker bridge of the nose, which many critics insist on seeing earlier, had vanished in mystery. Selena has attracted a fan base of millions so far. Many of them have blogged bitterly in her defense. They believe that her critics only see what they choose to see.

Selena Gomez’s Reaction on Nose Job Speculations

Selena Gomez has not reacted in public about the nose job speculations. It would appear as though she is enjoying the show from the sidelines. At some point, people believed she had vanished from view under the weight of the speculations. A few people who have remarked in her favor think that she is entitled to her own looks. There is also the possibility that she is taking the cue from some mentors high up on the celebrity ladder. Young celebrities do not live in Mars. They tend to follow in the footsteps of their mentors. As such, some of her supporters wish that the world understood Selena in such light.

Nose Job Surgery Results

Until Selena responds to the speculations, they must just remain speculations. However, many experienced celebrity watchers have provided compelling views that strengthen the rumors of the nose job. Many think that the results are great at the moment, but they also fear that she might seek more surgical enhancements in the near future. Normally, people never expect celebrities of Selena’s age to be excessively obsessed with plastic surgery. According to some of the hard-hitting bloggers, plastic surgery is a risky game that can ruin both the individual and the career. In part, that could be the gist of the rumors.